Busch Gardens Tampa Bay’s Iron Gwazi Wins Best New Roller Coaster Award
Come on, like there was any doubt in our minds! Busch Gardens Tampa Bay’s Iron Gwazi has won the prestigious best new roller coaster award.
Amusement Today presented their much-coveted Golden Ticket Award to North America’s tallest hybrid coaster which opened earlier this year. We already knew that Iron Gwazi was breathtakingly awesome but this award seals the deal. “On behalf of all our ambassadors and enthusiasts around the world, it’s an honor to be present at this year’s Golden Ticket Awards Ceremony and accept the award for Best New Roller Coaster,” said Busch Gardens Tampa Bay’s Park President Neal Thurman. “Iron Gwazi is the thrill of a lifetime. If you have not yet experienced the rush of Iron Gwazi, I hope you can join us at the park during Howl-O-Scream this fall or our family favorite event, Christmas Town.”
Think about it. Iron Gwazi checks all the boxes when it comes to thrill rides: a 206 foot-tall peak into a 91-degree drop, top speeds reaching 76 miles per hour, multiple inversions, plenty of airtime moments. The Golden Ticket Award is like the cherry on top of a thrill-ride sundae! How about a little taste of Iron Gwazi, shall we:
That’s how you get your heart racing! Congrats to our friends at Busch Gardens for the award for Iron Gwazi. [SOURCE News Channel 8]