What Excuse Do Florida Drivers Use The Most To Get Out Of Speeding Tickets?
We all travel in Florida at the designated speed limit, right? OK, sometimes the foot gets a little heavy on the gas pedal and you see the red and blue flashing lights in the rear-view mirror. So what excuse do Florida drivers us the most to get out of speeding tickets?
Steve Montiero, who was a former Florida Highway Patrol trooper has some insight. People ask him: “While driving on some highways at the posted speed limit, I feel like I’m interrupting traffic because everyone else is going faster. Am I allowed to go above the speed limit at this point?”
The number 1 excuse he would hear when a person rolled down their window was: “I was just going with the flow of traffic.”
Now you’re wondering if this excuse got Florida drivers out of speeding tickets. Montiero puts it into perspective. “Think about it for a second, this is similar to when we were kids and we would use the excuse in telling our parents that our friends did it, so why couldn’t we do it?” he said. “Ultimately, they’re the ones that are subjecting themselves to the consequences,” Montiero added. “If you’re doing the speed limit and you find yourself surrounded by speeders, I always suggest hanging out in those right travel lanes.”
Bottom line: the excuse doesn’t work!
[SOURCE Click Orlando]
4 Tips For Saving Money At The Pump
Gas Buddy released their annual Pump Habits Study and found that nearly a third of Americans care more now about saving money on gas than before the start of the pandemic. Here are four great tips for saving money at the pump.