And Now There’s A Christmas Eggnog Shortage
If the supply chain issues didn’t throw a wrench in your holiday plans, here’s more bad news. Now there’s a Christmas eggnog shortage!
Some people love it, others can’t stand it. We’re talking about eggnog and no matter where you stand on it, this drink is one of the flavors of the holiday season. But the supply chain issues that have already affected cream cheese, wine, and even Santa, now have eggnog in their sights.
It seems that the key ingredient to eggnog, butterfat, is in short supply this year. That shortage is preventing at least one supplier from delivering everyone’s favorite Christmas drink to store shelves.
However, all is not lost. Certain eggnog suppliers are delivering to stores. Walmart, Target, and Kroger have not reported any shortages. So it may be that this thin supply is more of a regional problem.
So with a little luck and some searching, we still might be able to enjoy some eggnog this Christmas.
[SOURCE News Channel 8]
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