Florida Hospital Lets Kids Drive Toy Cars Into Surgery
A Florida hospital is helping kids prepare to go into surgery by keeping their mind off of the procedure.
This is a great idea! Not only is it helping the kids from feeling anxious and stressed about the surgery it helps all the kids not be so afraid of being in the hospital with the staff. I remember when I was a kid and dreaded going to the doctors office. This looks like it will really help with those fears for kids today.
“It turns out that one of the most stressful parts of surgery for kids is the actual process of leaving the parents and the family, and going to the operating room,” said Dr. Jiovani Visaya of the West Boca Medical Center.
The doctor said the hospital bought two motorized cars to help ease the fears of their young patients.
“And anything fun like this, they might even look forward to the time when they have to go back and have their surgery,” Visaya added.