Would You Get Your Ashes Made Into A Vinyl Record Or Diamond? It’s Possible!
This sounds bizarre but this would be really cool to know so when I kick the bucket, I will have options.
According to a new survey, one out of four people under 25 say they’d love for their ashes to get pressed into a VINYL RECORD when they die. Nearly half of young people who said they’d prefer to be cremated would like their ashes made into a diamond – the study was carried out by Simplicity Cremations.
However one in three of the more modest older generation are happy to have no lasting memorial when they shuffle off this mortal coil.
It also emerged one in four under-25s would like their ashes to be used to generate electricity, compared to just four per cent of over-55s.
When it comes to the older age groups the study found just three per cent want their loved ones to keep their ashes at home in an urn.
And the majority will shun the idea of a gravestone with just 16 per cent liking the idea of a marker to indicate where they are buried.
More info HERE.