Mosquitoes Might Be Hiding In Your Home, Here’s Where…
It’s that muggy rainy season and mosquitoes show up anywhere and EVERYWHERE…
I hate just watching TV on the couch and a mosquito buzz right by my face or even worse when I wake up with mosquito bite on my leg. Especially since I have a dog I try to be extra careful he does not get bitten to contract heartworm. According to News Channel 10 mosquitoes could be making a home in and around your house. YUCK! Thanks to WTSP they provided some places to look and be aware of:
At the front of a home: “We start here at the front of this home for example. So they have this little pond over here. You would think with the water circulation coming out of there, that’d be enough to keep the mosquitoes from breeding. It actually isn’t. One of the things we recommend they do on their own is there’s a product at Home Depot and Lowes called Mosquito Bits or mosquito dunks.”
Downspouts: “Downspouts. Just this little low spot in the downspout and the gutters creates a habitat for mosquitoes. If it’s just holding a little bit of water. A bottle cap is really all you need in order to breed mosquitoes.”
Backyards: “So now we’re going to go to the backyard here. You know one of the things you need to look for too is, the mosquito problem may not just be in your yard, it may be in your neighbor’s yard and actually from plants. So behind this fence here, we have a huge planting of bromeliads and what people don’t realize with those is the center part where the flower comes out is like a cup, so it retains water.”
Kids’ playsets: “This is breeding ground 101 for mosquitoes. Right here again, we have another one of these kids’ playsets. Water sitting on the top of it.”
Trees and palms: “Over here they pruned this tree and these palms tend to be hollow on the inside, but you would never think these little hollow holes that are left would be enough to cause mosquito issues, and they actually are.”
Mosquito eggs: “One female mosquito can lay up to a hundred eggs, and it will travel a couple of miles.”
Air conditioning drain tube: “Your drain tube from your air conditioning constantly has water dripping out of it. That water if it’s laying like here. It’s real wet in this spot, and it’s a low spot.”
How to get rid of mosquitoes: “You want to repel them, you want to target the adults, you want to target the larvae and you actually want to target their reproduction. So that way they don’t reproduce, which is huge. That way you get the whole spectrum of them.”
More tips: “We look at it as teamwork. We do our part, we’re on property every three weeks during the rainy season basically and during the winter once a month. And in between that, you just do what we just did now. You walk around the property, use the Mosquito Bits, use the mosquito dunks and help prevent what we’re trying to help prevent.
I need to wear bug spray more often and I don’t….but man, you hear about people who get bit by a infected mosquito once and it’s like they’re life is changed forever.