Two Of America’s Dirtiest Beaches Are In Sarasota!
There is poop at the beach! Yuck!
Is Wendy Ryan on this too? Kidding! I do love me some Dirty Dinning Reports tho…
So this was pretty gross!
According to an article in US Today… “There’s ‘poop in the water’ at America’s dirtiest beaches. Is yours on the list?,” The newspaper names the dirtiest beaches in 29 states along the U.S. coast or Great Lakes. Of the beaches in Florida, two are in Sarasota County!!!
Ugh…I’m in Sarasota all the time on my friends boat.
Researchers sampled 4,500 beaches in 29 coastal and Great Lakes states and found that nearly 60% had bacteria counts exceeding Environmental Protection Agency standards. High counts can sicken an estimated 75,000 swimmers a year. Awesome.
With everything going on in the water…i’m getting afraid to swim in the dang ocean.
Bird Key Park in Sarasota showed high levels on 15 out of 64 days sampled. The Venice Fishing Pier also had high levels on 17 of 67 samples.
• Bayou Texar, Escambia (24 unsafe days, 50 samples)
• Sanders Beach, Escambia (23, 64)
• Crandon Park on Key Biscayne, Miami-Dade (17, 63)
• Bird Key Park, Sarasota (17, 67)
• Venice Fishing Pier, Sarasota (15, 64)
Click here to see the full list of “America’s Dirtiest Beaches