Luke Bryan Is Bringing His Tour To Tampa
Remember the “Surprise Superstar Act” for the 2019 Country Megaticket? Well, now we know it’s Luke Bryan!
My day just got a whole lot better!!!! Luke Bryan is coming to Tampa!
I’m soooooo happy!
Mark your calendars Luke Bryan with Cole Swindell & Jon Langston – August 2, 2019
We won’t have any ticket info until May, but tell your boss you need Aug 2nd off cuz it’s going to be LUKE DAY in TAMPA!!!
The show is at MIDFLORIDA Credit Union Amphitheater.
He is part of the2019 Country Megaticket, so if you bought the ticket…you’re set! At the time of the announce 2019 Country Megatickets are still on sale, but only for a limited time and while supplies last.
Oh, and you know we’ll have plenty of Luke tickets to give away on QYK!
Have you seen this one?? My fav!!