Cute but Venomous Caterpillars Spotted In Our Area
Very cute, but venomous caterpillars have been spotted in our area. They area a puss caterpillar and experts are warning to stay away from them.
They look like little balls of fluff, but pack a mean nasty painful sting that can be excruciating for hours. It is worse then a bee sting and some have said the pain is worse then child birth. At an inch long, the puss caterpillar is one of the most venomous in the country. The caterpillar is covered in hair-like bristles with an orange streak frequently running down its back. Hidden among its attractive hairs are extremely toxic spines that stick to your skin.
The good thing is they tend to leave humans alone. The problem is kids who want to pet them because they look so fuzzy and cute. Or your pet, dogs are always curious as to what is crawling on the ground, so keep kids and pets away. The other bad thing is that these caterpillars can just fall from trees.
The very cute but venomous caterpillars have been spotted in the Clermont area recently. National Geographic stated that this caterpillar’s fluffy-looking “hair” actually hides small, sharp spines that “stick in your skin.”
They do turn into moths. Mature puss caterpillars begin to spin their cocoons by making a thin framework of silk using their hair covering as support. Cocoons are typically found on small twigs, branches, or in depressions in tree bark. Larvae pupate around 16 days after completing their cocoon and emerge as moths approximately two weeks later.
What To Do If You Get Stung
If you get stung, the Fish and Wildlife Foundation of Florida recommends to get the spines out of your skin as soon as possible with the aid of cellophane tape or some type of packaging tape. Use Ice packs, oral antihistamine, and hydrocortisone cream to help with the pain.
Here are more pictures of the puss caterpillar. Make sure you get a good look at these so you know to stay away from them.

Top 5 Best Guitar Pull Moments
Top 5 Best Guitar Pull Moments. We hope you will join us this year for the QYK Guitar Pull. It is not only our favorite show of the year, but so many in the Tampa community have said the same thing. This is the 8th year we have done this show for you.
What Is A Guitar Pull
If you don’t know what a “guitar pull” is, it’s an intimate show where all of the artists are on stage at the same time. The artists will each play two songs, then a quick break and then two more songs. The show lasts around 3 hours long, depending on the artists themselves. Each artist stops down and talks about the song stories. Sometimes they just talk about other stuff, but the crowd is always entertained and laughing. You never know what they will say on stage at the QYK Guitar Pull, which makes it our favorite show of the year. The show sells out every year. It’s not a dance show, majority of people in the audience sit in their seats, a great date night actually.
This years show will once again be at The Mahaffey Theater in downtown St. Petersburg on Sunday November 12th! On stage this year is Scotty McCreery, and more! There will be 5 artists on stage this year. Stay tuned to find out who else will be joining the show each weekday morning at 8:20 the week of September 5th-8th.
Previous Artists On The QYK Guitar Pull Stage
It’s crazy to think about some of the big names that have been on our Guitar Pull stage in the past. Morgan Wallen, Sam Hunt, Kane Brown, Chris Young, Lee Brice, Chris Janson, Dustin Lynch, Charles Kelley, Big and Rich….and many more. Majority of the artists want to be apart of our guitar pull because we use this to give back to our community. Proceeds from the show help out the Bill Edwards Foundation for the Arts.
So hard to pick out some of the most memorable moments, but here is our top 5
Here is a video from 2021 and us having fun with the artists.
Launa is part of Tampa Bay's Hometown Morning Krewe on 99.5 WQYK. She has been with the station for 7 years and joined J.R. and Kevin on the morning show 4 years ago. Since then, they have been nominated for not only a CMA but also an ACM. Launa has been in radio for the past 28 years and in the Tampa Bay market for 22 of those years. While working in radio, Launa has also served as an entertainment reporter on a local TV show and has hosted many charity events in the community. Using her popularity from QYK, Launa loves to help raise money for shelter animals and has been a volunteer at local shelters for years. Launa loves the community and writes articles on local news, entertainment, and events and highlights people who are shining in Tampa Bay that she knows others like her would also be interested in reading.