Brilliant Game Invention: Connect Four Basketball
Generic view of a Spalding NBA basketball dropping into the hoop during the FIBA European Basketball Championship on 25 June 1989 at the Dom Sportova in Zagreb, Yugoslavia. (Photo by Gray Mortimore/Getty Images) *** Local Caption ***
Oh man, I would RULE at this! These creative people combined shooting hoops with my favorite game as a kid, Connect Four.
Winning this would take smarts and skill. Maybe I wouldn’t rule at this after all.
Hear Geno on the air weekday afternoons. Geno's passions include fat guy food, concerts, sports, travel to Europe and South America. He loves 80s and 90s music, from MTV hairbands to old school freestyle, alternative rock to TRL era jams. Geno's radio career began in his hometown of Portland, Maine. Since then he's been on the air coast to coast from Boston to Las Vegas, Tampa to California.