Top 7 Driving Distractions That Can Cause a Crash
These days there’s so many distractions that drivers have to face. From cell phones, to touch screen controls, to kids in the back who are out of control. With April being Distracted Driving Awareness Month, experts put together a list of the top nine driving distractions. If you said cell phone is number one, you’re wrong. I know, I thought phones would be number one too! With traffic getting more and more congested in the Tampa Bay are, please make sure you’re not doing any of these while driving.
Not only is traffic getting more and more congested, but car insurance rates continue to sky rocket in the Tampa Bay area. Florida pays more for car insurance than almost every other state, second behind Louisiana. According to the recent report from Bankrate, Florida drivers spend about 5.69% of their income on car insurance on average.
Related: Is Your Teen ‘Road Ready?’
Here’s Are The Top 7 Driving Distractions According To Experts
7. Eating while driving. Experts say it’s just as dangerous as texting and driving.
6. Passengers. It’s especially dangerous with teen drivers and their friends.
5. Reaching for stuff. Like grabbing for something in the backseat or under your seat.
4. Driving while abusing substances or lacking sleep.
3. Looking at stuff outside your vehicle. Like looking at billboards or other accidents on the road. This happens so often in the Tampa Bay area. Traffic will be held up so other drivers can break their necks trying to scope out an accident, only to almost cause one themselves.
2. Cell phones. Whether you’re texting, trying to make a call, or filming yourself for social media. Put the phone down.
1. Daydreaming. People off in La La land and just not paying attention. Some may also call it “disassociating”. Have you ever driven home from work and once you pulled up to the driveway you don’t remember how you got home?
See the full list here: [NY Post]