This Woman’s 101st Birthday Party At Taco Bell Brings Back Happy Memories
When I was a kid, I remember attending my cousin’s birthday party one year at McDonald’s. My favorite part of it was when we all had to tie our hands behind our backs and see who could eat a cookie the fastest.
Ruth Parker is living her best, youthful life at 101. She celebrated her birthday in Illinois with a party at Taco Bell. She says she enjoys going there each day to read the paper and drink coffee. She has held her birthday party there for the past several years, simply because she loves it and “the people are so nice.”
CLICK HERE to see Ruth’s birthday party photos!
Marc recalls having a birthday party at McDonald’s when he was four. Remember when some of the restaurants actually has had a booth that was built out to look like a train car? That’s where he got to have his party, and it was the coolest.
Fast food restaurant birthday parties now seem like a thing of the past. In our modern day hustle, fast food is a place of convenience, where we buzz through quickly to feed a minivan full of hungry kids. Parties have become Pinterest-inspired full-blown events to post on social media.
Maybe Ruth will start a new trend, at age 101, to go back to simple celebrations. We’d love more of that.