10 Things To Teach Your Child Before Kindergarten – From A Teacher
Marc’s son, Trey, is getting ready to start kindergarten! In just a few short weeks, many other children will also be experiencing this first milestone. It’s an exciting time, but it can also be a little overwhelming.
Check out this list that was put together by a teacher, detailing 10 important things you should teach your child before starting kindergarten.
The list includes:
Enjoy being in school. Instead of making school a looming stressful thing to endure, get your children excited for learning and meeting new friends.
How to read a book. They don’t necessarily have to know HOW to read it front and back, just the basics.
How to recognize their own name. This one seems like a no-brainer, but many teachers are surprised by the fact that some children cannot do this!
CLICK HERE for the full list!