Tampa Named One Of The Most Beautiful Places To Get Married In 2024
Tampa has been named as one of the most beautiful places to get married in 2024. Tampa is not the only Florida city in the top 10. Wallethub compared to 182 cities across the country to come up with a list of the best places to get married in the United States in 2024. They looked at the average wedding cost to DJs per capita to the weather. Tampa comes in #6 overall on the list of best places to get married this year. Orlando is the #1 overall city on the list.
Top 10 Best Places to Get Married in the U.S.
1. Orlando, Florida
2. Las Vegas, Nevada
3. Miami, Florida
4. Tulsa, Oklahoma
5. Atlanta, Georgia
6. Tampa, Florida
7. New Orleans, Louisiana
8. Knoxville, Tennessee
9. Chicago, Illinois
10. El Paso, Texas
There are three main categories and those are costs, facilities and services rank and then activities and attractions rank. Tampa came in 54th overall in cost rank but 3rd in Facilities and Services rank. Finally, in the activities in attractions column they came in #12 overall.
Cassandra Happe, WalletHub Analyst, says, “A person’s wedding day can be the happiest day of their life, but it can also be a financial nightmare with how expensive venues, food and other essentials are. Getting married in a city that minimizes cost while maximizing options is ideal. It’s also important to consider the financial needs of guests – even if you can afford a flashy destination wedding, you may not have the best attendance if most guests have to pay for costly flights and lodging.”
So the 182 cities that were looked at the city that came in worst place to get married is Pearl City, Hawaii. It came in dead last in one category, third to last in another category and 176th and another one. St. Petersburg also made the list making it at #39 overall on this list.

Most Romantic (and Affordable) Date Spots in America
Who says romance has to be expensive? Sure, a fancy, expensive night out is one way to celebrate love and romance. But, it doesn’t have to be about the big dollars. As the saying and song go, “Can’t buy me love.” In that spirit, let’s look into some of the most romantic, and affordable, date spots in America. Sparks can totally fly here. Trust me.
Before we get to those date locations, here are some tips on affordable dates. If it’s a first date and you really have no idea if you two are going to hit it off, you don’t have to do the traditional dinner. Why spend the time and money if the date might not even create a spark? Instead, try meeting for coffee or drinks at the bar. That way, if you two aren’t feeling each other, you won’t have to stick through salad, dinner and dessert. You can have a drink and cut your losses. If you two are feeling a vibe, you can schedule a second date that’s a full dinner, which will allow for more time to get to know each other.
Fast-forward to when you’re further into a relationship. If you’re going out to dinner and to the bar a lot with your new love, that’s great, but it can get costly. There’s nothing wrong with Netflix and chill for a date night. You can still make it special. For example, invite your sweetie over and order their favorite takeout dish. How romantic, right? Oh, and get some gourmet, flavored popcorn, if you know what kind of treats they like. That’s not only romantic but very thoughtful.
Now that we’ve gone through some casual date ideas that won’t break the bank, let’s get into the most romantic, and affordable, date spots in America.
Kevin is a member of Tampa Bay‘s Hometown Morning Krewe on 995 QYK. He has been with the station for 25 years, is a Tampa native, and went to Jesuit High School and USF. Go Bulls!. He is passionate about all things Tampa Bay. Kevin writes articles on the ongoing road projects around the Tampa Bay area, awards that Tampa Bay cities and businesses have won and country music happenings around the Bay area. He is always doing many things with his wife and kids. He loves to read books and play video games in his spare time.