Man Accidentally Gets Paid 367 Times His Salary, Now Refuses To Give It Back
This is a classic case of: “my boss overpaid me.”
Do I —
A) Be honest and alert them.
B) Don’t say a word until they come to YOU! Decisions decisions!
This may be this type of story… but the amount he was overpaid AND what he did after is the real plot twist!
Recently, a guy in Hungary discovered that he was the one who benefited from a significant error that his company had committed.
The scenario
The unidentified man had a brief stint of employment with a firm that fired him after only a few days, even though he was due around $260 for the work he had done for them. However, when his check was transferred into his bank account by direct deposit, it was for a sum 367 times greater than anticipated. The business did not behave generously. They did not realize the magnitude of their error.
The employee worked in Hungary but provided the employer with an Austrian bank account. This meant that the employer was responsible for converting the 92,549 forints worth of Hungarian cash into euro. Instead, they gave him 92,549 euros, which is equivalent to roughly $102,000 in United States currency.
The plot thickens
When the business discovered their error, they called the individual and requested that he refund the money; however, he declined their offer. He informed them he didn’t have access to the account, but an inquiry by the police showed that he had really moved the majority of the money into another account. He lied about having no access to the account.
As a result of his refusal to cooperate, he was taken into custody, charged with unauthorized appropriation, and may now be subject to a significant financial penalty.
Read the whole story here!
Time to reflect
Now I ask you… what would YOU do here? Or, are you a business owner who accidentally did this? Does Karma come into play, whichever way you slice this?