Launa Can No Longer Wear Her Engagement Ring
Launa can no longer wear her engagement ring. I was stung on my finger from a wasp and my entire hand is now swollen.
I woke up this morning with a man-hand and can’t wear my engagement ring or my watch this am.
Saturday I was doing yard work and reaching for the hose that was hanging on a hose-holder on the side of the house. When I did, I put my hand right on a wasp’s nest, that I obviously didn’t see. It was a pretty big one, because about 8 or 9 wasps came flying out and one got me on my finger on my left hand. I screamed and dropped the hose and ran after seeing all the wasps.
I grabbed some wasp spray and went back to spray the heck out of the nest and then ran back into the house to wait.
Over the next few hours, my hand started to swell and turn red. I put some ice on it…and I may have opened a bottle of wine to help with the pain too.
The next morning my hand really hurt when I woke up and it started turning purple and really starting to swell. I took some Zyrtec and rubbed some Benadryl cream on it to help.
This morning, its even worse, now my wrist is swollen and it’s more purple. Been getting texts that I should call my doctor. I heard if it starts to go to my arm, then it is getting bad.
J.R. and Kevin were pretty shocked to see my hand when I showed them this am and told them the story.
So, just a little heads up: If you are doing landscaping, you need to double check the surroundings and make sure it is clear of any wasp or nests. They are busy this time of year and they are easy to walk into.
Here is my hand as of this morning 6/27. My middle finger is red and purple, I have bumps on my hand and its swollen to look like a man hand. So, Launa can no longer wear her engagement ring.

Launa’s swollen hand after getting stung

Wasp nest at Launa’s home
It’s always something with me….. Launa Drama and it’s not even Wednesday!! Ugh.