Man Plants Giant Smiley Face With Trees In Oregon
I love this story and that is why we used it for our Feel Good segment today. It’s the story and gift that keeps on giving…year after year. The Giant Smiley Face on the side of the mountain.
Ten years ago, the owner of a lumber company in western Oregon planted a bunch of trees in the shape of a smiley face. And now every fall, anyone who drives by can see it from the highway.
The mountain it’s on is covered in evergreens that stay green all year. But the smiley face is all conifers with needles that turn yellow, so it’s impossible to miss. The entire thing is about 300 feet across.
This is super cool…and I love that he made this giant smiley face. If you’re planning a trip to Oregon anytime soon – head south of Oregon 18 at roughly milepost 25, between Willamina and Grand Ronde and you will see it.
Hampton Lumber created the giant smiley face design by planting a mix of Douglas fir and Larch during a reforestation of the area. Larch trees are conifers with needles that yellow and drop in autumn, and they make up the body of the face. Douglas fir makes up the eyes and mouth. They say the smiley face will return each fall for the next 30-50 years, until the trees are ready to be harvested for lumber….but I can’t imagine someone would ever cut this down!