Check Your Dollar Bills They Could Be Worth Thousands
You’ll need to check your dollar bills because they could be worth thousands of dollars. There are three things that you need to look for on the dollar bill. So, there is a finance blog named The Wealthy Nickel and they put out some info about what to look for. They said that there was an error, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing made in the last 10 years that that could make some dollar bills worth some money.
Here are the three things to look for that could make your dollar bills worth some money.
- It says series 2013 to the right of George Washington’s image
- To the left of George Washington’s image, there should be a seal with the letter B in it
- Finally, below the letter B the serial number ends with a star and be between B00000001 – B00250000 or B03200001-B09600000
Check Your Dollar Bills To See How Much They’re Worth
So, check your dollar bills because if it has those three things they could be worth up to $3,600 each. in 2021 a pair of one dollar bills sold for a combined $7,200.
Around 10 years ago the Bureau of Engraving and Printing printed millions of one dollar bills with matching serial numbers on them. Even if you don’t know that there was an error on the one-dollar bill you can still use the one-dollar bill anywhere you would like.
There is a couple of people that have made an effort to find these errors in these dollar bills and so far they have found 16 matches. Although they say they have more than $47,000 bills with serial numbers from the air batches, they don’t have the other dollar bill that matches the serial number.
Where Are The Dollar Bills Found
The dollar bills are found anywhere there is money even here in Florida. I know I will be checking my dollar bills because you just never know how much it could be worth. So, check you dollar bills when you have some time.