Take A Nude Cruise From Florida
Get ready to take a nude cruise from Florida in 2025. That’s right, a nude cruise. Naked. With a bunch of other people. As a matter of fact, 2,300 passengers will be aboard this ship. Does this sound like something you would love to be apart of? If so, you can take a nude cruise from Florida. Miami, Florida.
Bare Necessities & Travel is taking over the Norwegian Peal from Feb. 3 to Feb. 14, 2025, where nude passengers will visit the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, St. Maarten, Dominica, Martinique, and St. Lucia. Passengers will set sail from Miami, Florida on the “Big Nude Boat” for a 10-day voyage through the Caribbean and more.
During the cruise, there will be clothing-free experiences, proper nudist etiquette and other rules for passengers that must be followed. Wearing clothes is a must inside dining rooms. Guests are also encouraged to sit on towels when bare-bottomed or wearing a thong in their stateroom, pool deck, and the buffet area. Personally, I think it should be mandatory, and not just “encouraged”.
What Is Not Allowed On The Cruise
Obviously, jumping on a nude cruise is going to have some rules. Some of the rules from the cruisebare.com website, are: Taking photos and videos of any passenger without their consent regardless of whether they are clothed is prohibited. There will be many “No photo zones” throughout the Big Nude Boat. Fondling or inappropriate touching is prohibited, as well as being nude in front of other ships in port. Lingerie and fetish wear are also not allowed.
When the ship is docked alongside in port, all passengers must be dressed throughout the entire ship including balconies. When the ship leaves port, the captain will make an announcement that passengers are allowed to take it all off again.
If you do not follow the rules of decorum and etiquette, you will be dismissed from the cruise.
Prices For The Nude Cruise From Florida
Prices for the 10-day adventure start at $2,000 per person all the way up to $33,000 per person depending on what type of room you would like to stay in. This includes all your food, drinks and port charges and taxes for getting in and out of the different locations. Of course, ,you can upgrade your cruise packages for top shelf drinks and other amenities for a finer cruise experience.
I went on a 3 days cruise in February with some friends, and there isn’t one person on that boat that I would want to see naked. Gross. This is not something that I would be interested in at all. But if you are, get your reservation in now.
To book your next adventure, hit up the website CruiseBare.com and click on The Big Nude Boat.