Too Many Baby Sea Turtles Not Making Successful Journey
Too Many Baby Sea Turtles Not Making Successful Journey. As a volunteer for Mote Marine Center, I check beach conditions every day. I check General Conditions like Surf, Debris, Algae, and Red Tide. I don’t check the Turtle Nests but watch those who do almost daily as well. Why? I love the beach. The good news for Turtles, there are a ton of nests stretching from Sarasota to Clearwater beaches. The bad news, Mote Marine has recorded more than 300 disorientations so far this nesting season. That’s more than the 250 reported last year during entire season. Not good. What’s going wrong? Artificial light is the culprit. Homeowners and businesses along the beach, please remember to turn your lights OFF at night. The baby sea turtles move toward what is supposed to be light on the horizon, meaning – the water. With all this other artificial light, intentional or not, they go the wrong way. Ug. Source NewsChannel8