Make Sure You Protect Your Pets From This
This is the time of the year that you need be on the lookout for bufo toads. So, make sure you protect your pets from them because one lick of the toad can kill your pet.
The bufo toads are moving into Florida by the thousands. They secrete a milky-white toxin from glands on the back of their heads that can be deadly for pets. Bufo toads are big as they can reach the size of a plate, but are poisonous for their whole life.
If your pet licks a bufo toad it can kill them in as little as 15 minutes. The way to spot a bufo toad is by its reddish-brown to grayish-brown color. It is light-yellow or beige belly and has enlarged glands behind the eyes that angle down to the shoulders. They do not have ridges across the head as that is a southern toad.
So, if your pet has licked the toad they may show frantic or disoriented behavior, brick red gums, have seizures or be foaming at the mouth. Here are a few things to do if your pet has licked the toad: wash toxins forward out of mouth using a hose for 10 minutes being careful not to direct water down the throat, wipe gums/tongue with dish towel to remove toxins and take your dog to the vet.
If you have come in contact with the toad you will need to wash you hands thoroughly. If you need to move one make sure you wear gloves when handling them.
So, obviously the best way to protect your pets from bufo toads is to not let your pets near them.
Pet owners need to keep an eye out for toxic bufo toads as they surge in numbers. The invasive species can kill your pet in as little as 15 minutes.
— ABC Action News (@abcactionnews) June 28, 2022