Giant Hercules Beetle Found In Florida For First Time
Giant Hercules Beetle Found In Florida For First Time. It’s so big! And has horns! Haaaa. Not the people in Giant Beetle costume above, but the video below will make ya say, Wow! You may not want to watch this video before bed. Those nightmares can be disturbing.
TV station WBBH reports that one of the largest flying insects on Earth has somehow found its way to Florida. It’s called a Hercules Beetle. Once you watch this you’ll quickly realize why. It’s HUGE. They’re found in Central and South America… but not usually Florida. This beast was found in Fort Myers. This thing has HORNS! When it was found, the insect had already died. Do you think someone planted it so it would make the news? If so, it worked.
[Source: WBBH]