Must See Video Rare White Dolphin Spotted In Clearwater
Must see video. Rare Whit Dolphin spotted in Clearwater. Happened in a canal on Wednesday. The beauty is named Cherub. Video from Clearwater Marine Aquarium got the first sighting of what they believe is a dolphin with hypo-pigmentation. Cherub was spotted swimmin’ along with 3 friends.
A rep from the aquarium said, “What we would like to just advocate for is just responsibly viewing dolphins, considering they are a wild animal, they are a federally protected animal, under the Marine Mammal Protection Act, so it is illegal to harass them,”
The aquarium is asking anyone who sees Cherub to give them a call at 727-441-1790 ext. 1, so they continue to keep an updated record on the dolphin’s health and growth.
Source Channel10
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