Man Sets World Record Walking With Lawn Mower On Chin
Man sets world record walking with lawn mower on chin. A guy named David in Idaho retook a Guinness World Record by walking 3,257 feet with a lawnmower balanced on his chin. No it was not running. No he was not cutting grass at the time.
Not his first rodeo. David Rush, has broken more than 200 Guinness records to promote STEM education, originally set this record by walking 656 feet but the record was taken by someone who walked 912 feet. Now Rush has set the bar much higher.
He was hoping to make it to his personal best distance which was 1 full kilometer, but he fell 7 meters short (23 feet)! Who knew there was a Lawn Mower On Chin category in the Guinness Book Of world records?
Source UPI
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