Family Finds Most Venomous Snake In Their Christmas Tree
A family in south Africa had a snake slithering around their Christmas tree.
The snake was a Boomslang snake, which is the most venamous snake in Africa. The bites are rare but can cause a painful death. “The venom basically stops your blood coagulating, so you need the antivenom to survive or blood literally comes out of every orifice that your body has, they say you have about 20 hours or you will die.
Can you even imagine? Their cats kept starring into the tree and they knew something was in there and then they saw the snake slithering around their Christmas tree.
The snake was not bothering the ornaments or breaking anything and was trying to make it’s way the the bottom of the Christmas tree.
According to USAToday the homeowner called a snake catcher and he thought it was a prank.
The family had to keep their eye on the snake for 2 hours until he got there. He was able to catch it and remove it from the home.