Today’s Kids Playing Outside : Bored In 32 Minutes
Remember when you were a kid and the parental units would remind you to “come home before it gets dark?” Sometimes you’d make it. Other times, not so much. What were you doing? Playing outside.
This new study says “today’s” kids, not the same. Most parents said their kids play outside for about 32 minutes before playing the “I’m bored” card. Haaaaa. They asked 2,000 parents about their kids age 5-13. When I was a kid, I think I went outside to play at age 5, and (other than meals and sleeping) came back inside at age 13.
Oh. And, most parents (72%) said they and the entire family did not get outside enough at all. Almost half the moms and dads say the kids think the outdoors are boring. Many say they need to “barter” with the kids to get them to go outside and play. “…go outside and play for 30 minutes, and you can get on your computer when you get back.”
Read about it in SWNSDigital HERE
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