Addicted To Takeout: Could That Kill Ya?
This University Of Iowa study found too much takeout could be the end of us all. Granted, most in the study ate takeout twice a day! Yep. Fast food loaded with fat, salt, butter, and calories. All the stuff that makes it so good, is so bad for long-term health.
According to the study, a big study by the way: “frequent consumption” of restaurant-made meals is strongly linked to early death.”
This was a 15-year study of over 35,000 adults (20 and older). The research found those of us who eat two restaurant meals (or more) every day are more likely to die of any cause by 49%. Oh, not done yet. Also, these folks had a 65% greater chance of dying from cancer. What?
There was no guide to “how much” fast food is safe. So, start with “less” than twice a day maybe.
Check out the story HERE
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