Girl Scout At Door: But, It’s A Grown Man. Black Market Cookies?
Cops in Rochester, Minnesota responded to a store alarm. They found a Girl Scout Cookie thief! This guy was trying to drive off with 23 cases of GS Cookies he had stuffed in his back seat and trunk. Yummmm. Samoas!
Guy told the cops he was dumpster diving and discovered an unlocked door in the loading area. The motherload of Do-Si-Dos, Trefoils, Tagalongs, Samoas, and Thin Mints. So, he launched an evil plan to steal the cookies and perhaps sell 1/2 on the Girl Scout Cookie black market. Surely he would steal about 30 gallons of ice-cold 2% milk and eat the rest. Because, that’s what I’d do if I was a crook, but I’m not.
Check out the story: ABC Action News HERE