Wanna Live Longer? Eat More Pies & Junk
Who knew rockin a “dad bod” could help you live longer? No. Really! It turns out I’ve been accidentally taking longevity medicine without knowing it. And that medicine includes pie, assorted cakes, various beers, and maybe ranch dressing.
According to a new study out of Ohio State University, people who chub up as they get older actually live the longest of anyone. Down side of the study may be that younger folks are fatter. Not good. Study found the young folks more likely to die from obesity issues that their parents.
The study looked at people in a town in Massachusetts for almost 70 years. And they found that people who start their adult lives at an average weight and then slowly become overweight . . . but not obese . . . live longer than people who stay at an average weight their whole life. They’re not exactly sure why those extra pounds help keep you alive but, quote, “the impact of weight gain on mortality is complex.”
Thanks to lockdowns and more trips to the kitchen over the last year, my life expectancy may be 234 years. How bout you?
Check out study info HERE