Will You Be A “New You” Post Pandemic? Most Say, Yep!
We’ll call it You2.1. Not that You1.0 was a bad thing. So many folks went in to the pandemic in a great frame of mind. Focused on success, career, and the future. Nothing wrong with that. But, now many say they are more focused on enjoying life, period. That’s family, friends, and just trying to have one great day at a time. Maybe one more bowl of ice cream too. And an extra bike ride to burn it off. Work can wait.
Check this out. New survey of 2,000 Americans – 68% say they plan on emerging from quarantine as a new person. The most common things we’re going to change are: Seeing or speaking to our family more, speaking our mind more truthfully. and taking more vacation time. Ahhhhh. Vacation time. Haaaa. Let’s do that more!
The pandemic sure has given all of us tons of extra time – to spend in our own heads. Self reflection. After binge watching of course. What would that look like for you?
Here are the top seven ways we may make changes for the better:
1. Seeing or speaking to our family more.
2. Speaking our mind more truthfully.
3. Taking more vacation time.
4. Being more confident.
5. Being more creative.
6. Taking better care of our mental health.
7. Not canceling so many plans.
Check out story HERE