Are Dogs Really Smarter Than Cats?
So I’m going to tick off half of you with this one. But it’s SCIENCE! Researchers at Vanderbilt sought out to settle the debate once and for all. And here we go… the results… drumroll.
Dogs are smarter than cats. Sorry June Knight and all you cat people. It’s science.
Dogs have 530 million cortical neurons. I have no idea what those are. But cats have about half that.
You and I? We have 16 billion of them. Although I know plenty of dogs smarter than Cadillac Jack.
Source: ABC
Hear Geno on the air weekday afternoons. Geno's passions include fat guy food, concerts, sports, travel to Europe and South America. He loves 80s and 90s music, from MTV hairbands to old school freestyle, alternative rock to TRL era jams. Geno's radio career began in his hometown of Portland, Maine. Since then he's been on the air coast to coast from Boston to Las Vegas, Tampa to California.