If You Own A Home In Tampa Bay You Could Be Getting Fined $500 A Day, And Not Even Know…
Growing up on a farm there were plenty of county laws we had to follow. Make sure the fences were mended, kill all invasive weeds, trim the trees so they didn’t cross over on to the road. We knew that these were laws because our township told us.
Multiple people have come forward with complaints that city officials are fining them for not compiling with certain laws pertaining to the upkeep of their house. Mowing the lawn, trimming the trees, etc. One man was fined $500 dollars a day, and he had no idea. He found out when his fine reached $28,500, he has since been fighting those fines. Another woman was charged $100,000, and she didn’t live at her residents since 2011.
Make sure you check out this video, and find out what your laws are so you aren’t in the same boat.