What Exactly IS A QYK Guitar Pull Anyway?
So what exactly is a QYK Guitar Pull Anyway? Sometimes we assume you know what QYK Guitar Pull is all about since we’ve done this for a few years now. Maybe you just moved to Tampa Bay or just never heard us explain it. One thing’s for sure. Once you go to one, you’ll want to go again next year. What exactly IS a QYK Guitar Pull? How is it different than a typical concert?
The biggest difference between a traditional concert and the QYK Guitar Pull is that there’s no downtime between performances. Often when you have a bunch of acts like this, so much time is wasted breaking down one band’s set and waiting for the next one. With the QYK Guitar Pull, we bring all of the night’s performers out at the same time. While one is performing, the others are on stage, sometimes singing along, dancing or just making faces. Microphones are left on and the results can be hilarious!

QYK Guitar Pull 2016
The performers take turns performing and between the songs you get to hear the stories behind the hits as well as some pretty fun stories from the road. It’s a unique format. And you’ll find yourself wishing ALL concerts were done this way. It ends up feeling less like a concert and more like a night with friends sitting in the living room and just enjoying each other’s music. You get to hear a fresh acoustic version of the songs you hear on the radio as the songs are performed unplugged. There’s nothing quite like a QYK Guitar Pull.
Whether the QYK Guitar Pull will be your first… or 6th, we know you’ll have a blast! Take lots of pictures and be sure to use the #QYKGuitarPull so we can share your favorite moments from what will be a one-of-a-kind night in country music in Tampa Bay.
Complete 99.5 QYK Guitar Pull coverage is here. Tickets are sold out. Listen to 99.5 QYK for chances to win tickets to the SOLD OUT show!
Hear more about QYK’s Guitar Pull (:50) on the Experience Tampa Bay in 10 Minutes or Less podcast. Explore the Taste of the Beaches (2:24) and how you can race legally in Bradenton (6:17).
Here are some highlights from the past couple of years: