Sam Hunt Takes To The Woods Often During Quarantine
Sam Hunt releases his new album Southside on April 3 and we talked to Sam via phone yesterday (3/26) and he told us what he’s been doing during the COVID-19 quarantine, “I did a couple of days of YouTube and Netflix and watched all I can watch. So I’ve been trying to not leave the house, but get out of the house and walk around some woods back behind the house where I can go walk the dog and all that. I get a little antsy. I’m about ready for this stuff to clear up.”
Hunt does remain positive that we will see the other side of this pandemic. He offered, “I think optimism is an important element to the outlook and attitude that we need to have. I sincerely believe that we’re already seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and that lots and lots of smart people are working on solutions for this problem. It seems like we’re all on the same page in terms of doing what we need to do to make sure this goes away sooner than later. The momentum right now looks like we’re headed towards a solution and an end of this thing sooner than later.”
While he says he has listened to more music in the last week than he has in a long time, he did say that he’s keeping on eye on news. Sam said, “I’m watching enough to stay informed. I think there’s a sweet spot there where you want to make sure you stay informed, but not let anybody and not let anybody make you too paranoid.”
He’s hoping to tour this summer, if it’s possible to do so. “I want my fans to know how much I appreciate him and I hope they’re all staying safe and healthy and hanging in there and riding this storm out, because we all are in this together, obviously. And when this thing clears up, I think we’re gonna have a blast this summer celebrating the fact that this thing came and went and that we can get back to regular life.”