Sam Hunt Releases ‘Hard To Forget’ Video: Watch Now
Sam Hunt‘s latest song, “Hard to Forget,” features a sample of Country Music Hall of Famer Webb Pierce’s 1953 hit, “There Stands the Glass.”
Sam said, “I’ve wanted to sample an older country song from an older era for a while, and I’ve tried a few times to make it work, and the songs just haven’t panned out or I haven’t had an idea to write with the samples that we’ve used. I tried some samples from the ‘90s ‘cause that’s kind of the era of country music that I grew up on, but it never seemed to quite work. For some reason when I heard this Webb Pierce sample for the first time, it clicked, and I knew that was gonna be the song that was gonna be the one we sampled. I was in a writing session with a buddy of mine, Luke Laird, and we were in the middle of writing a song, he played this sample for me, and within a minute of hearing it, I knew, it had to be, I didn’t even have an idea for the song.”
Hunt adds, “It was just Webb Pierce singing and then some drums came in, and I was like, ‘I don’t know. Just give me some time to come up with an idea for this, and when we do, we’ve got to write this. It’s gotta be a single and we have to put it out next summer.’ I want to be able to tour around this song, and all I had was this Webb Pierce sample. So, that’s how it impacted me that day.”
Sam posted to Instagram, “Hard To Forget video out now. New album SOUTHSIDE out 4.3.”