What Happens To Cars Parked In Front Of A Fire Hydrant If There’s A Fire?
I love this photo. It’s not from Florida, but I see cars parked in fire lanes all the time where I live in Clearwater. So what happens to those who park and block access to the fire hydrant if firefighters show up? This!
Ever wonder what happens when a car is parked in front of a fire hydrant and a fire breaks out? Is a closer parking spot worth the broken windows and the citation and towing fees to @AnaheimPD? @City_of_Anaheim residents please do not park in fire lanes pic.twitter.com/Q96E4gfTOR
— Anaheim Fire & Rescue (@AnaheimFire) February 26, 2019
I would be totally ok with it if they missed the window on the first few swings and “mistakenly” hit the door.

Hear Geno on the air weekday afternoons. Geno's passions include fat guy food, concerts, sports, travel to Europe and South America. He loves 80s and 90s music, from MTV hairbands to old school freestyle, alternative rock to TRL era jams. Geno's radio career began in his hometown of Portland, Maine. Since then he's been on the air coast to coast from Boston to Las Vegas, Tampa to California.