The Only 2 Burger Chains That Get Antibiotics Grade “A”
It’s not something we often think about. Usually we’re in a hurry. We hit the drive thru for a quick bite to eat. But researchers worry we’re eating too many foods with antibiotics in them. Why is that such a bad thing? Antibiotics fight off the bad stuff right? Well, yeah… but the thing is after a while your body can build up a resistance to antibiotics. So if you eat them all the time, if you get sick and a doctor needs to prescribe antibiotics, they may not be able to do the job.
25 chains were tested in a research study for the presence of antibiotics. Only TWO of the 25 tested got a Grade A: Shake Shack and BurgerFi. 1 got a D and the others all got a F! (The D went to Wendy’s if you’re curious.) But all the burgers I eat the most from Culvers to Five Guys, McDonalds to In-N-Out, all got the F grade from these researchers.
With the exception of Shake Shack and maybe Wendy's all other burger chains just got failing grades for using antibiotics in their beef
— Luis V (@luisvase) October 17, 2018
My Facebook friend Amy Elizabeth says: “They make is sound as bad as if they got a poor grade for food quality or cleanliness when in reality, even the beef you buy in the supermarkets probably has antibiotics in it. Its part of the reason we have such a problem with antibiotic resistant microbes.” I’ll take her word for it. I’m a radio DJ. I press play well, but I slept through science class.
McDonalds at least is getting rid of antibiotics in chicken according to this Fortune magazine report.