The Budweiser 9/11 Ad That Only Aired Once
Over 100 million saw it. But they only saw it once. Budweiser purchased time during the Super Bowl the year after 9/11.
It was a tribute that featured the famous Budweiser Clydesdales. Much effort had to be made to make the video. WGN reports that Anheuser-Busch had to get the permission from politicians and the city of New York to film the scenes over the Brooklyn Bridge. It was a big deal to get access to that airspace for obvious reasons.
Hear Geno on the air weekday afternoons. Geno's passions include fat guy food, concerts, sports, travel to Europe and South America. He loves 80s and 90s music, from MTV hairbands to old school freestyle, alternative rock to TRL era jams. Geno's radio career began in his hometown of Portland, Maine. Since then he's been on the air coast to coast from Boston to Las Vegas, Tampa to California.