WWE Wrestler Confronts Shania Twain On Stage
When Shania has a famous special guest join her on stage, it’s usually a musician ready to play along. Not a big burly pro wrestler. Well this happened in Montreal last night.
It didn’t come to blows. And there were no body slams. Just a few verbal punches. Kevin Owens clearly is a Shania fan given his “I Love Shania” sign he brought on stage. Although it got a little awkward when he bragged about having more Twitter followers. That didn’t impress her much.
What a surprise at my Montreal show... THE @FightOwensFight! @WWE pic.twitter.com/xXHTEfl6wM
— Shania Twain 💎💎💎 (@ShaniaTwain) June 29, 2018
Kevin Owens: "I've got more followers on Twitter than you."
— Geno from Q105 (@GenoRadio) June 29, 2018
Shania: https://t.co/jHzXu9gw1I
Hear Geno on the air weekday afternoons. Geno's passions include fat guy food, concerts, sports, travel to Europe and South America. He loves 80s and 90s music, from MTV hairbands to old school freestyle, alternative rock to TRL era jams. Geno's radio career began in his hometown of Portland, Maine. Since then he's been on the air coast to coast from Boston to Las Vegas, Tampa to California.