One Thing Parents Of A Teenager Can Do Right Now To Prevent What Happened On Bayshore
102 miles per hour on Bayshore? How is that even possible?
When this news broke today about the teenager behind the wheel in the accident that killed a young mother and her 2 year old infant, a new level of anger and frustration got me thinking of ways we can avoid something like this from ever happening again.
When I was Cameron Herrin’s age, I got pulled over for doing about 60 in a 35MPH zone on the way to high school. At that age, we feel invincible and that we can do no wrong. When my mother took the keys away, of course I felt wronged and that it was unfair. Why? Because I was a teenager.
Technology available right now might have prevented what happened in Tampa last week. There are dozens of apps parents can make kids put on their cell phone that monitor their speed and driving activity. One in particular that my listeners Thursday night seemed to unanimously endorse is Life360. Even if your teen is NOT a driver and just rides with one, this is an app that could save your child’s life. Will teenagers complain? Absolutely. But had Cameron Herrin’s parents known about his driving habits a week previous to last week’s tragedy, he may not have had keys in his hands and been on the road that day at all.
Trust me… if that kid had a 2018 Mustang, I’m pretty sure he has the latest and greatest iPhone.
If you’re the parent of a teen driver, please consider checking the app store for one of these apps. There are some that are free, but ones that cost $10 are well worth the investment considering the cost of lawsuits, funeral expenses, or even just a speeding ticket.
Your comments from my and the QYK Facebook pages:
Jen Alexander:
I put InTouch GPS device in her car that alerts speed over certain limits. You speed, you’re done driving. Mama doesnt play.
Crystal Dunn:
I’ve had Life360 on my kids phones since day 1! It has a driving mode, and seeing as my oldest will start driving in a few months, I will def be using it. It is free for basic use, I think more than one driver is additional. Very accurate and I highly recommend!
Stacy Kelleher
I also use life360 for my teenage driver. i know where she is at all times and how fast she drives and routes she takes.. when she arrives somewhere and when she leaves that place. I pay 7.99 a month for it and it is definitely worth it. She doesn’t even have to be driving. If she is in a vehicle with someone else it tells me how fast that vehicle is going where that vehicle is going Etc. I caught one of her friends one time driving over a hundred miles an hour with my daughter in the car and told that child’s parent about it because safety is the most important thing. teenagers think they are invincible… it only takes one stupid act to ruin a life…or many.. 🙁
my daughters friend lost her driving privileges for 2 weeks and also had local police Sargent come and explain the dangers of speeding and reckless driving…. and All because the app alerted me…
Nicole Dalton
Most newer cars have a valet key that you can use to set speed control. My mustang has it and when my 18 year old asks to drive it he gets the valet key with top speeds of 55mph if he decides to drive on the crosstown or the interstate he knows he will have to stay to the right but he usually avoids those kinds of roads. I understand that boys will be boys but there was absolutely no reason for this kid to be driving that fast on any road let alone Bayshore. This whole thing could have been avoided and now 3 families are destroyed.
And your responses from Twitter:
My mom worked for Progressive. As a kid, starting as early as 5th grade, she’d bring home photos from accident scenes to drill into our heads what reckless driving can do. It worked.
— Ann (@AnnOtiz) June 1, 2018
I think buying a teenager a Mustang is not the most responsible thing to do either. Both of my Sons were given larger vehicles.
— Proud Sports Mom ⚾️🏀 (@proudsportmom) June 3, 2018
Read an article in St Pete Times today about the kids’ families. I still really don’t have any sympathy. I learned to drive in a Geo metro-1 cylinder above a lawn mower. That was the car Mom had. There were no graduation cars. Either she or I worked HARD for everything I had.
— Lavoixinconnue (@lavoixinconnue) June 3, 2018