Top 10 Liar Liar Pants On Fire Lies. We all lie from time to time. In fact, a new survey found that 80% of respondents admitted to lying. Of those, 42% think they’re pretty good at it, while 43% say they are terrible liars. 52% say they feel guilty after lying, and 42% admit a lie has come back to haunt them. But while lots of people lie, it seems they are more small fibs than whoppers. For the record, when I say I was “stuck in Tampa Bay traffic” – always, always, always, true!  When’s the last time you or someone you know had to be the “liar liar pants on fire? ”

According to the survey, these are the Top 10 most common lies:


  • # 1

    “I forgot” Oops. I didn’t have time to think of a good lie.

  • #2

    “I’ll do it tomorrow” This is likely the one our boss hears most often. Comes with the territory.

  • #3

    “I’m listening” Well, if you’re in a relationship, you hear this one daily. LOL

  • #4

    “I’m busy then” Or the more generic, “I have a commitment”

  • #5

    “Nice to see you” Whatever your name is?

  • #6

    “I don’t have any cash/change” Is my favorite for when the kids are asking me questions. We know what kind of questions, don’t we?

  • #7

    “I got stuck in traffic” I say this a lot. But in my case driving in Tampa Bay found to be mostly true by fact finders.

  • #8

    “I don’t know what happened there” Usually learned at an early age when you were actually the one and only witness.

  • #9

    “It was only ____ dollars.” Not telling the real price of something you bought. This particular lie is most often told by women who do not shop at TJ Maxx. Just sayin.

  • #10

    “I’m not feeling well” Ahh the single most “old reliable” little white lie that is usually truth based because you don’t feel well about going or being with me? LOL

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