67 Players Have Opted Out Of The 2020 NFL Season
NFL players had a deadline to give written notice if they wanted to opt out of the season due to the coronavirus. At the end of the period, 67 players have chosen not to participate in the 2020 NFL season.
According to CBS Sports, now players are only able to opt out if “a close family member gets seriously sick with COVID or if they themselves are newly diagnosed with a high-risk condition.”
No big-name players chose to sit out for the 2020 NFL season, and some teams didn’t have any players sit out at all. The New England Patriots had the most team members choose not to play with eight sitting out. Other teams with players not playing include The Chiefs, The Bills, The Jets, The Giants, The Eagles, The Dophins, The Bears, The Vikings, The Broncos, The Cardinals, and The Browns.
For the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, only one player has opted out, OT Brad Seaton.
For a full list of players not playing this year, visit the CBS Sports website.