The Estranged Wife Of Miranda Lambert’s Boyfriend Just Threw A Major Accusation Her Way
Staci Felker is at it again.
This time she’s not calling out Evan, rather she’s calling out Miranda Lambert.
If you follow Staci on Instagram you’ve probably come across a couple posts that seemed a little out there, but her latest post definitely takes the cake.
While sharing a screenshot of her call log, Staci claims her soon-to-be ex-husband called her and that Miranda also called her — 10 times in a row.
While she didn’t outwardly say Miranda’s name, she identified the unknown caller as the person who doesn’t want Evan calling home.
What do you think?
Do you think Miranda would really waste her time calling Staci when it looks like things are going well for her and Evan?
To view Staci’s post, please visit Us Weekly by clicking here.
QCWriter is a journalist who is fueled by espresso and motivated by determination. She specializes in pop culture, country music, and news content.