Weirdest laws in all 50 states. Did you know? In Alabama, it is illegal to wear a fake mustache in a church that causes laughter? Fox News posted a list of the weirdest law in all 50 states. Some are old laws that don’t apply anymore, and the rest are rarely enforced.
In Florida, our weird law is only “weird” to those who don’t live here. We’re talking about, don’t feed the gators. Under Florida Code Title XXVIII Chapter 372 under “Wildlife,” the law states that no person shall “intentionally feed, or entice with feed, any wild American alligator.” The code state this includes American crocodiles.
In Georgia, it’s illegal to let your chickens cross the road. Why did the chicken cross the road? Doesn’t matter. It’s illegal. Section 8-1 of Georgia law has rules against “domestic fowl running at large.” Here are a few of the weirdest laws that are apparently still on the books in some states. Source Fox News