How Much Money Do You Need To Make To Be Happy In Tampa Bay? Here is a break down of Minimum Salaries needed for happiness in Florida, and state by state. We know money can not buy happiness, right? Well, a millionaire relative of mine once said “it can help solve many, many problems.”
The folks at Purdue published a study on how income can correlate with emotional well-being and life satisfaction. Let’s be honest, if we cant afford to fill our gas tank – we’re NOT happy. Yes, happiness is subjective, and varies from person to person. So does our “comfort level” as we move through this adventure we call life. How much money do you need to be happy in Tampa Bay?
Check out 10 state examples including Florida below, and see the full study here.
Oh. And below that I added – 50 High-Paying Tampa Bay Jobs That Don’t Require College Degree