Favorite Girl Scout cookies in every state. It’s that time of year again. Girl Scouts across Florida and the United States set out to sell their famous cookies. These sweet treats are not only delicious but they also help to support the organization’s programs and activities. This year, the Girl Scouts’ website listed 13 different cookie flavors, but according to Google Trends, most people only care about eight of them.
These eight cookies have been searched for the most in all 50 states over the past month. They include Thin Mints, Samoas/Caramel deLites, Tagalongs/Peanut Butter Patties, Trefoils/Shortbread, Do-si-dos/Peanut Butter Sandwich, Toffee-tastic, Lemon-Ups, and S’mores. While some of these cookies are available everywhere, others are only sold in certain regions. Thin Mints are the clear winner, with the highest search volume in all 50 states.
Get ready to celebrate March 12, because it’s National Girl Scout Day! Part of Girl Scout Week, National Girl Scout Day commemorates the anniversary of the first Girl Scout meeting. In 1912, Juliette “Daisy” Gordon Low organized the meeting in Savannah, Georgia. And Girl Scouts has only grown from there! So grab a cookie (or 12) and get ready to celebrate.Whether you prefer a classic cookie or something more unique, there is a Girl Scout Cookie flavor for everyone. So, the next time you see a Girl Scout selling cookies, don’t hesitate to stock up on your favorite flavors and support a great cause. Girl Scout Cookie Map