Ft. Myers Woman Calls 911 On Herself

Yes, a Ft. Myers woman calls 911 on herself. So you ask yourself how does this happen? Well here is what happened. A woman went to Val Ward Cadillac in Ft. Myers right around 1 AM on May 31. The Lee County Sheriff’s Office then received a 911 call from that woman. The woman told the 911 dispatcher that she was attempting to steal a car from the dealership and wanted the police to know about it. So, obviously officers were dispatched to the Cadillac dealership, but the woman was still inside the car. She didn’t leave before the officers got there but the Ft. Myers woman calls 911 on herself.
The reason why she was attempting to steal a car is because she said that she was participating in a game of Black Ops. So she told 911 that she was stealing the car because she thought that would make the carjacking legal. It is not legal to steal a car whether you’re telling the authorities or not.
Now she wasn’t charged with grand theft auto since she didn’t steal the car. Although, she was charged with trespassing because she entered the dealership parking lot after it closed. Yes, she has been arrested before but not for the same thing. This is this woman’s sixth arrest since 2005.
Listen To The Ft. Myers Woman Who Calls 911 On Herself
19 New Florida Laws Going Into Effect July 1, 2024
It’s that time of year. Those new laws and regulations debated and voted on this year go into effect Monday, July 1. From the size of your bottle of wine to how many hours you can work if you’re still in school, there are a lot of laws changing in Florida next month. Here’s a rundown.
Some of the new laws protect you and your wallet. Some could make you have to reach into your wallet. New fines and penalties as well as some consumer protections were voted on by Florida lawmakers in this past legislative session.
In all, 160 new Florida laws that passed will go into effect next month. Some made the news like the issue of high school kids working hours and protections for Florida workers who have to be out in the heat.
Other new Florida laws passed didn’t make big headlines. Did you even know there has been a restriction on the size of that bottle of wine you buy at Publix? There is. But that’s about to be relaxed. That wine aisle could see some new offerings starting July 1 at liquor stores in Florida. So cheers. Drink up.
There are new Florida laws about taxes, parking, massages, insulin, skin cancer prevention, jury duty, towing, and even what your home owners association can and can’t do. Wanna grow vegetables but your HOA has always told you no? Well that could change with one new law we’ll dive into here in a moment.
Even a “hot topic” for Florida homeowners… your air conditioner’s warranty even is the subject of one of the new Florida laws going into effect in July. Yes that terrible pun was intended.
OK let’s get into it. Here’s a breakdown of the new Florida laws that could most likely impact you that passed this year and are going into effect July 1, 2024. [Source: Click Orlando]
Jury Duty During Pregnancy
"Gotcha" Parking
No surprises anymore. Parking areas must post their rates and rules near the entrance. Plus you’re given a 15 minute “grace period.” Parking area owners also can’t sell your personal info. “Motor Vehicle Parking on Private Property; Provides requirements for signage & invoices for parking facilities; authorizes entities to regulate such signage; prohibits late fees before certain period; requires such invoices to include dispute & appeal method; requires grace period before parking charges may be incurred; prohibits personal information from being sold, offered for sale, or transferred for sale by such owners or operators.”
Air Conditioning
A warranty will now begin on the date your A/C company installed your unit. “Building Construction Regulations and System Warranties; Provides specified effective date for provisions relating to HVAC manufacturer’s warranty transfers; prohibits HVAC manufacturer’s warranties from being conditioned upon product registration; provides effective date for certain HVAC systems & components warranties under specified circumstance; provides required information for warranty & product registration cards & forms; prohibits HVAC systems & components warranties from being conditioned upon product registration.”
Working in the heat
Lawmakers can not protect workers from heat exposure. Companies will be allowed to set their own policies. The state will only be allowed to regulate heat working conditions for its own employees. “Employment Regulations; Prohibiting political subdivisions from maintaining a minimum wage other than a state or federal minimum wage; prohibiting political subdivisions from controlling, affecting, or awarding preferences based on the wages or employment benefits of entities doing business with the political subdivision; revising and providing applicability; etc.”
Wine Bottles
Wine bottles can be bigger now. There will be exceptions now to the law that prohibits the sale of wine containers over 1 gallon. Wine can be sold up to 15 liters. “Individual Wine Containers; Revises exception to maximum allowable capacity for individual container of wine sold in this state.”
Driving Without a License
It’ll now be a second degree misdemeanor if you drive without a license in Florida. It’ll be a first degree misdemeanor the senc time. If you’re caught doing it a 3rd time, you get 10 days in jail.
“Driving Without a Valid Driver License; Revises penalties for offense of driving without valid driver license; requires specified minimum jail sentence for third or subsequent conviction of such offense.”
Dead Bodies
Well this is a strange one. If you see a dead body, you must report it. Otherwise you could face a first degree misdemeanor. But if they find you’re trying to hide the death, that could be a 3rd degree misdemeanor. From the state, “Duties and Prohibited Acts Associated with Death; Authorizes report regarding specified deaths & circumstances to be made to law enforcement agency in addition to medical examiner; increases criminal penalty for failing or refusing to report death or for refusing to make available certain information with intent to conceal death or alter evidence & circumstances surrounding death; increases criminal penalty for willfully touching, removing, or disturbing body without order from office of district medical examiner with intent to conceal death or alter evidence & circumstances surrounding death.”
Law enforcment can be now called to remove squatters. The loophole will be for those who were a former renter with a legal dispute. “Property Rights; Authorizes property owners or authorized agents to request assistance from sheriff for immediately removing unauthorized occupants from residential dwelling under certain conditions; requires specified complaint; provides requirements for sheriff; authorizes arrest of unauthorized occupant; provides that sheriff is not liable to any party for loss, destruction, or damage; provides that property owner or agent is not liable to any party for loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal property unless it was wrongfully removed; prohibits unlawfully detaining, or occupying or trespassing upon, residential dwelling intentionally & causing at least specified amount of damage; provides criminal penalties for any person who knowingly & willfully presents false document purporting to be valid lease agreement, deed, or other instrument conveying real property rights; prohibits listing or advertising for sale, or renting or leasing, residential real property.”
Condo Owners
The “My Safe Florida Condominium Pilot Program” will help condo owners make necessary repairs to prepare for Florida’s wild storms. Associations can also apply for grants. “My Safe Florida Condominium Pilot Program; Establishes My Safe Florida Condominium Pilot Program within DFS; provides requirements for DFS, wind certification entities, hurricane mitigation inspectors & inspections, inspection & grant applications, mitigation grant eligibility, grant matching & maximum grant amounts, mitigation projects & use of grant funds, contracts, & annual report.”
Alligators on Fire?
A new fire station will go up on Alligator Alley. But otherwise, the state has set limits on the amount of fuel tax revenues and other driving fees that can be spend on projects. “Transportation; limiting the amount of certain revenues in the State Transportation Trust Fund which the Department of Transportation may annually commit to public transit projects; revising provisions relating to a traffic and revenue study provided by a private entity; requiring the department to notify the Division of Bond Finance before entering into an interim or comprehensive agreement; etc.”
Skin Cancer
We love our sunshine in Florida. This new bill makes it law to require the state gropu health insurance plan to cover the costs of an annual check for skin cancer. “Coverage for Skin Cancer Screenings; Requires DMS to require contracted state group health insurance plans to provide coverage & payment for annual skin cancer screenings performed by specified persons without imposing any cost-sharing requirement; specifies requirement for & restriction on payments for such screenings.”
No sexual activity is to take place at a massage parlor. The Florida Department of Health will suspend a license if any worker is arrested for crimes like prostitution, human trafficking or kidnapping. “Health Care Practitioners and Massage Therapy; Requires DOH to report specified data; authorizes DOH to suspend license of certain health care practitioners & massage establishments in certain circumstances; revises advertising requirements for massage therapists & massage establishments; prohibits establishments from sheltering or harboring, or being used as sleeping quarters for any person; requires DOH investigators to request government identification from all employees while in massage establishment; specifies additional documents person operating massage establishment must present, upon request, to DOH investigators & law enforcement officers; requires DOH to notify federal immigration office if specified persons fail to provide government identification; revises definition of “unlicensed massage establishment”.
Teen Workers
Some of the restrictions that were placed on 16 and 17 year olds will be removed. They’ll be able to work more hours on a given day. But they can’t work more than 30 hours in a week when they have school unless they have their permission from their parents. According to the state, “Employment; Removing certain employment restrictions for minors 16 and 17 years of age; revising the age at which certain employment restrictions apply; providing for the waiver of a specified restriction by specified persons; restricting the amount of continuous hours certain minors may work without a break for a minimum specified time period; authorizing the department to grant a waiver of the restrictions imposed under the act; providing penalties, etc.”
No more $10 processing fee to the tax collector if you make a partial payment of your current year taxes. “Tax Collections and Sales; Removes specified processing fee; revises information to be included in certain report; revises calculation of interest for canceled tax deed applications.”
Homeowners Associations
It’ll be required now for HOAs to make available to you a copy (either physical or digital) of their rules by October 1. They’ll have to give you an updated version when any updates are made. According to the state, “Provision Of Homeowners’ Association Rules and Covenants; Requires association to provide copies of association’s rules & covenants to every member before specified date, & every new member thereafter; requires association to provide members with copy of updated rules & covenants; authorizes association to adopt rules relating to standards & manner in which such copies are distributed; authorizes association to post complete copy of association’s rules & covenants, or direct link thereto, on homepage of association’s website; requires association to provide specified notice to its members.”
A big one for those with diabetes. If at the pharmacy, the pharmacist can’t find your prescription for a refill, they can give you an emergency refill. But there’s a limit. They can only do this 3 times in a row in a given year. “Emergency Refills of Insulin and Insulin-related Supplies or Equipment; Authorizes emergency refill of insulin & insulin-related supplies or equipment a specified number of times per year.”
Florida counties must post their towing and storage maximum rates online. Tow companies have to wait 35 days to sell an older unclaimed vehicle, or 57 days for a newer one. They also must now give you an hour to inspect your vehicle after you give them the required documents. “Towing and Storage; Revises provisions relating to towing & storing of vehicles & vessels, including establishing maximum rates for certain cleanup & disposal; excluding or failing to designate certain wrecker operators; authorizing fees; revising requirements relating to removal of vehicles or vessels; revising requirements for liens, notices of lien, sale, notices of sale, & types of payment; requiring operator to accept & maintain certain documents, rate sheets, & invoices; revising criminal penalties.”