Bartow Florida Makes Big Change In Alcohol Sales On Sunday’s
Big news for people who want to get their drink on a little earlier on Sunday’s now. Bartow Florida makes big change in alcohol sales on Sunday’s.
City leaders were voting on whether to extend the hours to 9am on Sunday’s. Restaurant and other business owners in the area wanted to start serving drinks with Sunday brunch, but have been unable to do so. Alcohol sales in Bartow, FL were not permitted until 12noon on Sundays, which is an hour after most places. Also, extending the hours on Sunday will also help during events in the downtown area.
Bartow leaders heard from both sides. Those in favor of changing the new time say that it keeps people in Bartow instead of driving to Lakeland or another city before noon. Changing the start time to three hours earlier would have a substantial impact on local businesses.
Religious community leaders are not happy about the new laws. They claim it will allow for the abuse of alcohol and those could be in danger traveling to and from church.
In the report from TampaBays10, One council member said this ordinance wouldn’t change God’s plan for anyone. Another council member added that he hears those who opposed the ordinance, but believes ultimately businesses have to uphold the responsibility to make sure they don’t overserve anyone.
City leaders sided with businesses. Monday, they unanimously approved earlier alcohol sales on Sundays at 9am for Bartow, Florida.
This newly approved ordinance now allows the sales and consumption of alcohol starting at 9 a.m. on Sundays instead of noon. Business owners are calling this a big local win.
Alcohol laws will vary from county to county, but some places like Polk county, you can buy beer starting at 7am on Sunday’s.
Find out HERE what time you can purchase or sell alcohol in Florida
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