Gigantic Hole In Sun May Disrupt Tampa Bays Social Media Life
Gigantic hole in sun may disrupt Tampa Bay’s social media life in Tampa Bay. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory has detected a large hole in the Sun’s atmosphere which is sending a stream of solar winds towards Earth. This is a “coronal hole,” a region in the Sun’s atmosphere where magnetic fields open up and allow solar wind to escape.
Try not to panic. The solar wind is expected to hit our planet (today maybe) between March 23 and 24, potentially causing another powerful solar storm event. This could worsen if there is any incoming CME on that day, as the effect would be multiplied due to the solar winds. Solar winds hitting the Earth is common, but the timing for this one is concerning.
The Earth is vulnerable to it due to cracks forming on its magnetosphere after the vernal equinox. This could result in an overall powerful solar storm, potentially even a G2 or G3-class solar storm if a CME collides with it. So, here’s the real “heads up” about the Gigantic hole in sun deal. These solar storms can cause major harm to our infrastructure by damaging satellites, breaking down mobile networks and internet services, causing power grid failures and corrupting sensitive ground-based electronics. MSN