Eating Raw Oysters Kills 2 In Florida
Eating Raw Oysters Kills 2 In Florida. I love eationg Oysters on the half shell, don’t you? Heads up people. Two Florida men have died from a bacterial infection after eating raw oysters that came from Louisiana. The bacterial infection is called Vibrio. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention says Vibrio doesn’t make an oyster look, smell, or taste any different. 80,000 people get Vibriosis in the United States each year, and about 100 people die from it.
One of the men died after eating raw oysters from the Rustic Inn in Fort Lauderdale. The day after he got sick, inspectors from the Florida Health Department examined the restaurants inventory and they passed with flying colors. The restaurants manager tells us “We passed with flying colors and we were allowed to continue to sell oysters, If there was a problem with the oyster bed we would know it because others would have gotten sick.” The Rustic Inn now has warning signs out, warning customers about the dangers of eating raw shellfish.
The man who died in Pensacola purchased his Oysters from a market. As previously stated the oysters he purchased were also from Louisiana. According to the Florida Department of Health, 26 people have become infected with Vibrio and 6 of them later died. They died after eating raw shellfish including oysters. Professor Robert Farr from the University of West Florida tells us that Infections linked to the Vibrio are common in raw seafood during the summer months. Read more on this story here.